What to Do When You Suspect a False Workmans Comp Claim

What to Do When You Suspect a False Workmans Comp Claim

Published on 8-22-2023

Private investigators play a significant role in investigating false workers' compensation claims to uncover fraudulent activities and ensure that legitimate claims are properly addressed. Workers' compensation fraud occurs when an employee falsifies or exaggerates an injury or accident to receive undeserved benefits. Private investigators employ various methods and techniques to gather evidence and validate the legitimacy of a claim. Here's an overview of how private investigators investigate false workers' compensation claims.


One of the primary methods used by private investigators is surveillance. They discreetly monitor the claimant's activities to observe their daily routines, physical capabilities, and interactions. Surveillance can reveal discrepancies between the claimant's reported injuries and their actual behavior.

Background Checks

Private investigators conduct thorough background checks on the claimant to gather information about their employment history, medical records, criminal record, financial situation, and any past claims or lawsuits. Inconsistencies or discrepancies may indicate fraudulent behavior.

Witness Interviews

Investigators interview witnesses who may have relevant information about the alleged incident or the claimant's activities. These interviews can help corroborate or disprove the claimant's version of events.

Medical Records Review

Investigators may review the claimant's medical records and compare them with the reported injuries. This can help determine whether the medical documentation aligns with the reported symptoms and treatment.

Social Media Monitoring

Investigators often monitor the claimant's social media profiles to gather evidence of their activities, such as participating in physical activities that contradict their reported injuries.

Covert Video and Photo Documentation

Investigators may use discreet cameras and devices to capture video and photo evidence that supports or contradicts the claimant's statements. These visual records can be used as evidence in court.

It's important to note that private investigators must conduct their investigations within legal and ethical boundaries, respecting the claimant's privacy and rights. If fraud is suspected, the evidence collected by investigators can be used to support insurance companies' efforts to deny or challenge fraudulent claims and to take appropriate legal action if necessary.

If you suspect that an employee of yours is making a fraudulent claim, Lobb Investigations can help. Reach out to us to find the answers you are looking for.