Help! My Pet Has Been Stolen

Help! My Pet Has Been Stolen

Published on 2-11-2022

Pets are more than utilitarian roommates. Sure, they may guard the home or catch a mouse occasionally, but they also provide warm companionship and entertainment with their quirky behavior. Needless to say, it is a very distressing occurrence when they have gone missing, or worse, have apparently been stolen. At Lobb Investigations, we care about what our clients care about. If your pet has been stolen, hiring a private investigator to help locate them can reunite you with your beloved friend faster.

Should I Just Try to Find My Pet on My Own?

Everyone has seen a missing pet poster in their life. If people keep using them, they must be effective, right? They certainly can if the situation is only a missing pet. If your pet got out of the house and ran off, getting the word out to neighbors and having them keep an eye out for them is beneficial. Times like these when communities come together to try and help one another is truly heartwarming. When this method of detective work does not pan out is when your pet was actively stolen. Putting up fliers, asking friends and neighbors, and contacting local shelters in this case may prove unfruitful or even be detrimental in finding your pet.

How Can a Private Investigator Help?

A private investigator has the skills, experience, and time needed to commence a proper search for your pet. Life needs to go on. While you are at work or spending time with family, our PI team is working hard to gather evidence about your pet’s whereabouts. We will locate surveillance footage, if available. Contact local shelters and pet stores. And we will interview witnesses. The reality is that not all witnesses have relevant or founded information to share, but because Lobb Investigations is comprised of people with specialized skills such as FBI interrogation, we know how to retrieve important information from those we need it from.

If your pet has been stolen, the people who took them are doing everything they can to not be found. Don’t waste time! Contact Lobb Investigations to help reunite you with your beloved pet.