What Investigators Look for In Connection to Child Custody Cases

What Investigators Look for In Connection to Child Custody Cases

Published on 10-13-2022

Things get complicated when you wish to separate from your partner or spouse once there are children involved. If you are separating from your partner and you feel that your partner’s behavior does not create a healthy environment for your child, you may fight for sole custody. Custody battles can be tricky, which is why many people hire private investigators to help them with theirs. Here are some of the things that a private investigator will look for when working in conjunction with a child custody case.

Negative Behaviors

Child custody is ultimately about what the best interest of the child is. If a parent is exhibiting behaviors that do not lend to a stable and healthy environment for the child, this is not in the child’s best interest. Therefore, private investigators are looking for evidence of negative behaviors. Think, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, driving while under the influence, and criminal activity. Evidence of such reckless behavior is something that will definitely be brought to the attention of the judge. In addition to that, other negative behaviors that should be noted include; leaving the child alone for long periods of time, leaving the child with unqualified people for caretaking, and verbal or physical abuse.

Most child custody cases that are won have these three things.

1: Allegations with Evidence.

Courts are not interested in taking part in a he said/she said situation. What matters to the court is evidence. Our team at Lobb Investigations will provide you photo and video evidence of our findings. If those findings support your allegations, odds are in your favor.

2: Evidence to Support Your Credibility.

More than just proving that the other parent is up to dubious behaviors, proving that you are a responsible and stable parent is also valuable. The more credible you can prove to be, the less credible the other party looks, which will reflect well on you in court.

3. Looking Favorably In the Eyes of the Judge.

The judge is the one that will decide the final outcome. Obviously then, you want to present as best you can to the judge handling your case. Usually if you have evidence proving negative behaviors on behalf of the other parent and you have evidence that proves you are responsible, this will help you find favor in the eyes of the judge.

Your child is everything to you. You want what’s best for them. If you have a child custody battle on the horizon, a private investigator can help you find valuable evidence to support your case. Contact Lobb Investigations if you need help.