How Private Investigators Gather Background Information

How Private Investigators Gather Background Information

Published on 4-26-2022

One thing is for sure, private investigators excel at gathering hard to find information. It’s why you hire them. Or why you might be thinking of hiring one. But how do they go about gathering information for their cases? Let’s peel back the curtain and take a peek.

What Qualifies as Background Information?

In the broadest, vaguest terms, background information can be any professional or personal history on a subject. This can be information about an individual or an organization. Now let’s explore how PIs go about sourcing this type of information.

The Internet

We’ve heard it said before that the internet never forgets, and that is something that private investigators use to their advantage. The internet is flooded with information but not all of it is useful. That's why working with an experienced and skilled private investigator is essential. Experienced PIs know where to spend their time digging and what's not worth their time. Social media is a particularly valuable resource. That’s why PIs will often look to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, among other platforms for information. Their search does not end with the accounts of the subject themselves. Friend accounts of the subject can also be a treasure trove for information like tagged locations, photos, and more.


Another avenue for gathering information is trusty surveillance. This is a tried-and-true method for gathering information and confirming suspicions. It is probably what comes to mind first when you think of an image of a private investigator. Depending on the case, surveillance can take as little as a few hours or up to a few weeks to complete successfully. This method is particularly useful in regards to child custody cases and missing person cases.


Oftentimes, private investigators gather information by interviewing family, friends, colleagues, and associates of the subject. For people to feel comfortable cooperating in an interview, a PI needs to have powers of persuasion and people skills. Scott Lobb is a highly trained interviewer, which is not something all private investigators possess. Just another reason why choosing Lobb Investigations to help you with your case will result in success.

Public Records

Another resource that private investigators take advantage of are public records. Through public records, PIs can check birth and death records, DMV documents, tax records, business licenses, and more. This is a particularly valuable resource for companies seeking private investigative assistance. Although public records can be accessed by anyone, not everyone has​ the time to search through pages and pages of documents, and sometimes they may find it difficult to even know what the documents mean.

Using all these methods, private investigators can complete background checks and gather background information for cases. If you need the help of a highly skilled and trained private investigator, contact Lobb Investigations today.