Infidelity Cases and the Evidence That Holds Up In Court

Infidelity Cases and the Evidence That Holds Up In Court

Published on 1-12-2023

At Lobb, we always make sure to provide you with tangible evidence you can use, no matter the nature of the case. If you are investigating the infidelity of your partner, and should you decide to go to court based on the results of that investigation, you need evidence that will hold up in court. What kind of evidence is admissible in court? Let’s find out.

Visual Proof

The best and most solid evidence you can obtain is visual proof. Photos or videos of the cheating partner are near irrefutable. These could be visuals of the partner at motels, restaurants, or in workspaces. We use long range, covert cameras to help us get you the evidence you need without arousing suspicions.

Audio Proof

Audio proof holds up best when it is in conjunction with visual proof. If you are working with a private investigator already, talk with them about how best to obtain audio proof. They can advise you on the best equipment to do and how best to confront your partner to draw a confession out of them.

Circumstantial Proof

Circumstantial evidence is not conclusive evidence on its own, but it can back up your visual and audio findings. Circumstantial evidence could be anything like bank statements for flowers or hotel rooms, text messages, or your partner’s dating profile. Again, on their own, these types of things do not prove that your partner was engaged in an affair. Afterall, flirting is not cheating in the eyes of the court. But together with the other substantial evidence you have can paint a clear picture.

We know what evidence the courts want in infidelity cases, and we work hard to provide those findings for you. Once you have the evidence you need to take your spouse to court, you will need a legal team on your side who will fight for what you deserve. You will find attorneys that meet that description at Hampton & Pigott. Don’t wait to reclaim your independence, reach out to them today if you need help.