How to Spot Online Shopping Scams

How to Spot Online Shopping Scams

Published on 3-14-2022

Even before the world was all too familiar with the concept of quarantine and staying home, online shopping has been a staple in most of our lives. Many brick and mortar shops have not been able to keep up with the demand for online shopping. It is clear that shopping online is something that is here to stay. But the internet also makes it easy to hide who you are and unfortunately there will always be people that try to take advantage of you. Don’t be easy prey to online scams. Here are a few ways that you can spot a sketchy site so that you can avoid being ripped off.

Be Wary of Large Discounts

Scammers want to cast a wide net. So, they will often try to catch your attention by offering in demand or coveted items at a steep discount. This tactic is especially common during the holiday season when people are making lots of big-ticket purchases. If you see a price that looks too good to be true, odds are that it is.

Never Use Your Debit Card

Using your debit card to shop online? This is not your smartest move. If possible, use a credit card instead. Most credit card companies offer fraud protection, so that if you do fall victim to a scam, they can block the purchase. The same is not true when using a debit card. If a scammer gets a hold of your debit information, they have access to your bank account information. Credit card companies are equipped to recover funds from fraud cases, it is much less likely that your bank will reimburse your funds if they go missing.

Research Sites You Are Unsure Of

If you are shopping on a site that you have not previously been on before, take a moment to browse it. Look for frequent spelling errors or language that feels off. Look for if they have a company history page. Search and read their privacy and security policies. If they do not have privacy policies, this is a red flag. You can also Google search the website in question to see if they have a history of sketchy behavior. If you see any red flags or are not 100% sure you can trust a site, it is best to continue shopping elsewhere.

Ultimately, online shopping can be fun and convenient. With a little cautiousness, you can avoid becoming a victim to scammers. If something about a site feels off, it is best to leave. If you feel that you have already fallen victim to a shopping scam, reach out to Lobb Investigations for help. We can investigate the situation and arm you with information that you can bring to your bank or use to take legal action.