How Private Investigators Can Help with Skip Tracing

How Private Investigators Can Help with Skip Tracing

Published on 2-16-2023

Law firms, debt collectors, and the public alike can all benefit from skip tracing. If you are not familiar with what skip tracing is, we want to explain it to you so that you can take advantage of this service when you need it.

What Even Is Skip Tracing?

Put simply, skip tracing is the process of finding a person that has been difficult to find. Whether this is a person that you lost track of or they are a person who is actively trying not to be found, with the use of professional tools and databases, skip tracing can find these persons.

People hire skip tracing services for several reasons. Lawyers regularly use this service to find persons who need to be served summons, debt collectors use this service to help them track down delinquent accounts, and individuals find skip tracing valuable when they need to locate runaways or other lost family members. In particularly difficult cases or when you need the skip tracing process expedited, private investigators can help. Here’s how.

How Private Investigators Can Help with Skip Tracing

Private investigators have access to tools that you may not. They also have the knowledge and experience needed to use those tools effectively. Not to mention they have the time to dedicate to using the resources effectively that most people do not.

One such tool that private investigators take advantage of are public records. Through public records PIs can find property records, court records, employment records, and social media presence. All these records can give the private investigator insight into the person’s recent activity and that can lead them to their whereabouts.

Once PIs have a few breadcrumbs to go off of, they may then interview known friends or family. From there, they might even conduct surveillance stakeouts. All of this is, of course, a very time consuming and involved process.

All in all, skip tracing is a highly specific field. Not just anyone has the skills needed to track someone down, which is why private investigators often work in line with skip tracers on difficult cases. If you are in need of skip tracing services, save time and money by entrusting your case to people who know how to get the job done, like our friends at Colorado Attorney Services.