If I Hire a Private Investigation of My Spouse, Will They Know?

If I Hire a Private Investigation of My Spouse, Will They Know?

Published on 12-15-2021

At Lobb Investigations, we are hired to assist in a variety of settings, but one of the most popular reasons we are called upon is to investigate infidelity. Taking the step to hiring an investigation can be difficult for some. You may be afraid to confirm your suspicions. Or you may be afraid that you are wrong. You may be afraid that your innocent spouse will find out that you hired a private investigator and the repercussions of that.

Should you fear your spouse finding out that you hired an investigation on them? The answer is no. When you hire us, you can guarantee that we carry out our investigations with the utmost discretion. When you are dealing with sensitive information and situations, experience is invaluable. And experience is something that our team has decades of. Many of our agents have formerly worked with the FBI and are highly trained. We utilize the most sophisticated cameras and video equipment to provide you with tangible evidence and facts. Evidence that you can use in court if need be.

Trust Your Gut

We understand that you do not want to reveal a lack of trust to your partner if things end up not confirming your suspicions. But your spouse will not know anything you do not want them to. Even still, your intuition is often correct. You have probably picked up on red flags, which is why your suspicions grew in the first place.

Red flags like your spouse showing a lack of interest in intimacy, not being able to explain their whereabouts, mysterious purchases, spending an increased amount of time on their phone or computer, and being overly defensive. Hiring a private investigation can help put your worries to rest or confirm them. The information you are given is yours to decide what to do with.

If a divorce is something you are contemplating, having concrete evidence of infidelity on the part of your spouse can benefit you. If you are suspicious that your spouse is cheating, call Lobb Investigations today. We will handle your request with care and provide detailed reports that include photos and/or videos.