Locating Missing Heirs

Locating Missing Heirs

Published on 10-31-2023

Locating a missing heir may be necessary in various legal and financial situations, such as probate proceedings, estate administration, asset distribution, or trust management. When it becomes challenging to find an heir, especially when they are unaware of their potential inheritance, a private investigator can be a valuable... [read more]
What to Do When You Suspect a False Workmans Comp Claim

What to Do When You Suspect a False Workmans Comp Claim

Published on 8-22-2023

Private investigators play a significant role in investigating false workers' compensation claims to uncover fraudulent activities and ensure that legitimate claims are properly addressed. Workers' compensation fraud occurs when an employee falsifies or exaggerates an injury or accident to receive undeserved benefits. Private investigators employ various methods and... [read more]
Facts About Private Investigators

Facts About Private Investigators

Published on 6-19-2023

Private investigators have been helping individuals and organizations for quite some time. But even still, there may be some things you do not know about them. Here are a few facts about private investigators that you might find interesting, helpful, or both. What They Handle Private investigators, also... [read more]
Let Private Investigators Help with Your Personal Injury Case

Let Private Investigators Help with Your Personal Injury Case

Published on 4-11-2023

Personal injury cases can be complex and often require a great deal of investigation to gather evidence and build a strong case. That's where private investigators can come in to help attorneys involved in personal injury cases. Lobb Investigations has helped countless cases get resolved, so we know... [read more]
A Look at the History of Private Investigators in the US

A Look at the History of Private Investigators in the US

Published on 3-21-2023

Private investigation, as we know it today, has its roots in the United States of America. It emerged in the mid-19th century and quickly became an essential tool for individuals and businesses looking to protect themselves from theft, fraud, and other forms of illegal activity. The origins of... [read more]
How Private Investigators Can Help with Skip Tracing

How Private Investigators Can Help with Skip Tracing

Published on 2-16-2023

Law firms, debt collectors, and the public alike can all benefit from skip tracing. If you are not familiar with what skip tracing is, we want to explain it to you so that you can take advantage of this service when you need it. What Even Is Skip... [read more]
Infidelity Cases and the Evidence That Holds Up In Court

Infidelity Cases and the Evidence That Holds Up In Court

Published on 1-12-2023

At Lobb, we always make sure to provide you with tangible evidence you can use, no matter the nature of the case. If you are investigating the infidelity of your partner, and should you decide to go to court based on the results of that investigation, you need... [read more]
Choosing Between Litigation and Mediation for Your Divorce

Choosing Between Litigation and Mediation for Your Divorce

Published on 12-15-2022

Infedelity is a popular reason that people seek out private investigations. Sometimes our investigations quell your suspicions and allow you to put them to rest. Other times, our investigations confirm them. When that happens, you get to decide how to proceed. If you decide that the only way... [read more]
Private Investigators and Police Investigations

Private Investigators and Police Investigations

Published on 11-14-2022

Rogue private eye that breaks the law and gets in the way of a police investigation is a tired storyline in TV and movies. It is such a common trope that it may have you thinking that this is the relationship that private investigators and police have in... [read more]
What Investigators Look for In Connection to Child Custody Cases

What Investigators Look for In Connection to Child Custody Cases

Published on 10-13-2022

Things get complicated when you wish to separate from your partner or spouse once there are children involved. If you are separating from your partner and you feel that your partner’s behavior does not create a healthy environment for your child, you may fight for sole custody. Custody... [read more]